1 week old
After a long outing to the park on Tuesday he had his first check-up. Because he had been bundled up in the front pack for so long, his temperature was high when they triaged him. Because they felt he was running a fever, they sent us to the ER for further investigation. Originally they told me that they would have to do a full work-up on him (meaning spinal tap, blood work, admittance to the PICU for 72 hours, etc.) to rule out any kind of serious infection. This did not sit well with me as I had already been through that with Addie when she was 6 weeks old. I was not about to watch my 5 day old be put through that for no reason. After retaking his temperature and running some blood work , the ER let us take our baby home once again, believing that the high temperature was just a fluke. Needless to say, we're happy to be back home with our healthy little guy. He is a very mellow baby, and takes all the lovin' from his big bro and sissy rather well! Michael and I think he looks like a mix of both Kailer and Adelynne, but is beginning to look more and more like Kai.
You can't call my son "chubs" when yours shows a double chin at 1 week!
very adorable!
Sportin the Brooklyn gear at a young age - I like. It's nice to see his face...I think I've only really seen the top of his head! :-)
He is completely adoraable. ! Looks like Kailer's eyes and nose; grampee's chin and lips---dimple in left cheek---gramapee and Uncle Chris! AmaZing, miraculous, baby boy! God is so good to you all! Much love, Grammy!
Next assessment in person on 11/22/08-- I will meet him on my 50th Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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